broken systems
When it comes to the environment and economy, fossil fuels are justified because they are cheaper. But this justification reveals that the system is defined with a single scope: financial capital.
“There’s an unpriced externality in the cost of fossil fuels. The unpriced externality is the probability-weighted harm of changing the chemical constituency of the atmosphere and oceans.”
- Elon Musk
The reality is that the system should also include the environment. If you take enough variables out of any system, you can make a convincing argument for anything. But the reality is that we do not simply live in separate non-interacting systems. That’s like saying lung cancer won’t kill you because it only affects your lungs.
“But wait!” You may exclaim, “If you take the inverse and add enough variables, then you can can moralize everything!”
Yes. That is what the Creative Mandate has revealed itself to be in this day and age. For us to have “dominion over the earth” is to take into account the whole of Creation to the best of our abilities. Things used to be more simple. Humans didn’t travel geographically that much. Our spheres of influence were smaller. But now, even a drive down to the convenience store occurs because of a global economy. The sooner that we accept this, the sooner we can work towards solutions – whether more localization or centralized efficiency.
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