What’s up with microagressions?

It’s like a bee sting. It kind of sucks. But a swarm of bees probably would kill you.
It’s hard to imagine living in an environment where you are always questioning if you are actually welcome, if people are genuinely interested in you, if you can be who God made you to be.. And when it’s simply because of the color of your skin or the shape of your eyes.
As an Asian American, it’s hard to even recount the number of times someone has asked me – “where are you really from?” I’ll admit, sometimes I’m petty and just leave it at “I’m from Ohio.” Jokes about the size of my eyes and my penis were pretty standard growing up. Sometimes I even encouraged it to cover up my own insecurities. Even comments like “let the Asian do his mathematical calculations” are just plain prejudiced. Yes, I am pretty good at math, so you can say, “let Chris do his mathematical calculations” but don’t but a whole group (over 4.4 billion) of people into a single box. It’s just rude.
We aren’t a model minority, we have just been a group that has been too silent in the United States.
#thisis2016: Even among my close friends, I have a background process running to examine microagressions.
I pray that I display grace and a gentle rebuke – not for my own sake, but that we all might be a little more aware of the words we use. It’s not about being ‘politically correct’; it’s about being holistically welcoming and loving. It is being obedient to Jesus in loving our neighbor.
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