pledge of allegiance

I pledge of allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America.
A symbol of hope; a symbol of terror.
A symbol of opportunity; a symbol of power.
And to the Republic
Bought by capital
Furnishing the Capitol
Founded on the blood of natives
Which would enslave me for my skin
Which would lynch me for my skin
Which would intern me for my skin
Which would despise me for my skin
Which would take my skin
As exotic clothing leaving me naked.
One nation, acting as its own god
Selling lies as dreams
Promising comfort, for your obedience
Promising entertainment, for your mind
Promising ecstasy, for your soul
Promising safety, for your heart
Promising work, for all your strength
Divided by race, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomics
With liberty and justice for a select few:
The privileged, the wealthy – et tu?