christ in alabama
Christ is a Nigger,
Beaten and black–
O, bare your back.
Mary is His Mother
Mammy of the South,
Silence your Mouth.
God’s His Father–
White Master above
Grant us your love.
Most holy bastard
Of the bleeding mouth:
Nigger Christ
On the cross of the South.
- Langston Hughes (1931)
This poem is powerful, speaking volumes to the nature of American racism and distortion of Christian faith. But how much have we moved forward from the 1930s?
Racism doesn’t look like it used to.
We tell a black man, work your place in life.
We tell a black woman, stop complaining.
We tell black people, conform to fit into the majority system.
We tell black people, die to self as Christ did. You who once had no opportunity or hope now have it! Just play by our rules.
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