I am confused and afraid
I wonder what path I will take
I hear that there’s only two ways out
I see mothers bury their sons
I want my mom to never feel that pain
I am confused and afraidI pretend all is fine
I feel like I’m suffocating
I touch nothing so I believe all is fine
I worry that it isn’t though
I cry no more
I am confused and afraidI understand people believe I’m just a statistic
I say to them I’m different
I dream of life getting easier
I try my best to make my dream true
I hope that it does
I am confused and afraid
It was only a matter of time right? How could my city be left untouched by wanton violence against the black body?
Guilty until proven innocent.
Threat until declared dead.
rose garden: thorns and flowers
sweet aroma of life
sometimes bloody, always beautifulbullets and stats trample
wanton destruction
buried seeds of pain, tears, fearyet antwon rose
I pray for you brother.