The writing is on the wall. It has been for some time now, but as each second passes, we seem to move exponentially closer to the new reality.
Justice is so often spoken in terms of reactivity. Something bad has happened; restoration is needed. We have trouble enough identifying current problems around us or perhaps to even acknowledge them. But prophets speak also of proactive justice – justice that seeks to create a new reality that identifies something that has not yet happened but will and addresses the issue before it is a real problem.
The prophetic voice of Moses dared to dream and mandate a proactive vision by God that, to this day, has yet to be fully realized (see Jubilee). We stand on a fundamental shift of humanity as we have known it. There have always been the powerful, the powerless, and those in between. But the precipice before us is a reality where the chasms between humanity deepen and widen despite our greater connectivity.
At this junction, I believe there are three areas of discussion: care and empowerment of disenfranchised masses (in reality already in play), how much human is human, and robotic rights and evangelization. Let us walk and create a world that is more and more restorative.