Its death is timely and just, for its birth came from the unholy union of power and false righteousness. It was willing to say no to abortion, say yes to death penalties, not talk about contraceptives, and claim itself to be pro-life. It was willing to say no to abortion for political advantage, and crafted an eloquent narrative. It was willing to put comfort and safety above loving the neighbor. It was willing to take up arms rather than to lay them down before the feet of the Great Protector. It was full of fear masked and clothed in righteousness.
But how I am torn by its murder, because it has been replaced by the silent majority. However, at least this one is more honest about its desire for power, to trample upon the sojourner and leave the widow to the dogs. I pray that Jesus’ name would not be taken in vain, wielded as a sword. I pray that Jesus’ name would no longer be used to grasp for power, but rather to unify in love. Come, Lord, come.