four zeros
  • Four. Followed by four zeros.
  • Over 40,000 suicides happen in the US each year. And so many questions come with that. The economy? Disenfranchisement? Social pressure? Social media? Yet the underlying reality remains – to take one own’s life means that there is a deep dissatisfaction that seems to have no way out besides death.
  • And we all experience dissatisfaction, yet so many of us have different coping mechanisms – relationships, pleasure, false gods. But in the end, do we not find ourselves in the same position? For all worldly sources of satisfaction, even universal sources are finite, bound, and will come to an end. 
  • What hope is there but Christ? I pray that the refreshing, ultimately satisfying drink of the blood of Christ sustain me, sustain you, sustain us until His Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.