pittsburgh: violence | prosperity

My city, my city! How I mourn your broken walls of dreams shattered in the ground. Hope lost, Life forlorn. How I mourn your walls built of speeding cars separating and segregating race, class. Will we not respond to the call of the age? Or will we miss the opportunity until the next cycle? I pray that we stop our generational curse. Let this be our time of repentance.

  • Welcoming neighborhoods: let us build bridges across communities, let us welcome one another into our communities to live, work, & play
  • Affordable housing, livable wages: let us provide opportunities for people to live in provision
  • Celebration of creativity: let us celebrate and provide resources to empower the creativity of one another
  • Equal voices: let us uncloset ourselves from any cloisters of power and invite each other to the table to listen, share, and learn

Useful Reads/Listens: