nice, france.
What level of depravity does it take to use a truck to just run over people?
Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter!Isaiah 5:20
Do not drag me off with the wicked,
with the workers of evil,
who speak peace with their neighbors
while evil is in their hearts.
Give to them according to their work
and according to the evil of their deeds;
give to them according to the work of their hands;
render them their due reward.
Because they do not regard the works of the Lord
or the work of his hands,
he will tear them down and build them up no more.Psalm 28:3-5
More than ever, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
"Embrace the fact that talking about race and socioeconomic status is inherently awkward and clumsy. But just be there. Say something. Because the opposite is truly devastating."
— Collage of coworkers at Google
An insightful video.
What does it mean to redeem “whiteness” when at its very core, it is all about power and superiority?
Being White must surely be a mantle that must be torn down to find the essence of culture. God didn’t create White people – God created fair-skinned people of Anglo, Germanic, Nordic heritage. But how do we help a couple hundred million people help discover their true cultural identity that has been white-washed?
Lord, have mercy.
sun burns
I have been told how dangerous being in the sun is by my white friends. How it will burn their skin, and how they have to take all these precautions when they are exposed to the sun. From the time they were kids they were warned about the dangers of sun exposure. They will go as far as changing the clothes they wear, and for some they fear being exposed to the sun at all.
How weird.
The sun doesn’t hurt me, and never has. When I plan on going out, I never once bother to think about the sun. I can be exposed to the sun for hours. I have gotten darker when I’ve been exposed to the sun, but I’ve never been afraid or overly cautious of it. I hear people telling me about sun burns, but, I don’t get burned…the sun can not really be all that bad?
I’ve heard stories on the news about the dangers of sun burns, and I’ve seen data recording the dangers of the sun exposure. You can’t believe everything you hear on TV. It’d do folks some good to be grateful for all the good the sun does. Its so silly how scared white people are of their kids being exposed to the sun. Teaching their kids to be cautious of it, prevent burns or worse. They are being ridiculous, because my kid is fine when he’s exposed to it.
How can I believe you when you tell me what the sun does to you? I’ve seen sunburns, but they can’t really hurt that bad or people would never go outside. I’m pretty sure we can all agree we need the sun don’t we? My friends that say they hate the sun are taking it too far. Plus, explain to me, how I have white friends that have never burned? Ya know, I think some people are exaggerating this whole “sun exposure is dangerous” thing. You can tell me about painful and negative experiences that your family and friends have had in the sun, but I just can’t believe you. You really should just get over it.
Is it something white people are doing to make your experiences in the sun so painful and dangerous? If you taught your kids how to act they wouldn’t get sunburned. Campaigning for protection and safety when exposed to the sun seems unnecessary. I think sunblock is a waste. Just people being ungrateful to the sun.
Is it making you angry, frustrated, or annoyed that I am refusing to validate your experience or denying it’s a reality all together? I have a privilege that you simply do not have. In this scenario do I get to explain what it is like to you, when I really haven’t known what you face on a regular basis? I can ignore the dangers and reality you face, because its not my own. Its easy, because its never been a problem for me. Your experiences with the sun have shaped your opinion. Some of you have never even gotten a sun burn, but you know that it could happen, and you don’t want it to. Huh. Weird.
Is it so ridiculous that you and your children want to feel just as safe as me and my child do when we’re out in the sun? Was it strange how far I was willing to go to deny and invalidate your experience with the sun? Maybe I should take the time to look around, or even listen? Maybe I wouldn’t ignore it if it was a danger to me and my family? Maybe instead of getting annoyed at how cautious you are, I could respect that your experiences have made you feel this way.
This is what black people are trying to explain to you. There is a danger. It is real. It is scary. We don’t feel safe. We want to feel safe. Listen to us when we are telling you about our experience. There is a reason why the NAACP, and other organizations exist. The reality is different for me, here in this country as a person of color. Stop refusing to acknowledge that these fears, and dangers exist.
Source: - Crystal “The Crazy Cat Lady” Michelle
pokémonic reconciliation
Our God is the Father of reconciliation, and all things point towards His glory. Trying wrend any aspect of Creation to bend against His will is a fruitless exercise. No matter how many times you twist the string, it will unwind itself eventually to the intended form.
The most recent craze has been the Pokémon Go game that has come out. People are getting out and going about with the mission to “Catch ‘em all!” To hear a story of a white man, black men, and a cop all come together under the banner of Pokémon is simply beautiful. In my own neighborhood, bands of white people have made rounds to the nearby Pokémon gym, venturing into a predominantly black neighborhood that they would unlikely have traveled to otherwise. What a beautiful opportunity for the gospel to be displayed through cross-cultural relationships!
It is so easy to trivialize small things – but it is in the mustard seed that the Kingdom of God is found. How beautiful it is to hear the feet of pokemon trainers bearing the fruit of the gospel!
Pokémon Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
- Andrew Fallows (kaldrenon)

Proud to work for a company that is willing to make a stand.
anton sterling
silence comes and goes in waves
echoes through the night
in the street a body lay
and the fringes held no light
from sea to shining sea some came
to watch and replay the sight
of another black man conesecrated
in puffs of fear and spite
when is the ocean satisfied
to swallow whole such life
still we watch with callous eyes
and think that we are right
judgment awaits those who wait
feeding leviathan black bites
the storm is coming – reckoning
without option to flee or fight
may your bones become bleached,
rancid and putrid and white
may they be ground into sand, forever forgotten
not even a speck of blight
for the persecuted will gain what you have lost
water that quenches the tide
you cry, “Abraham, send him to me!”
but too great is the divide
turn the ship back, before it’s too late
the murdered already lay tight
but the living remain, your soul in limbo
listen or lose your invite
proactive justice
The writing is on the wall. It has been for some time now, but as each second passes, we seem to move exponentially closer to the new reality.
Justice is so often spoken in terms of reactivity. Something bad has happened; restoration is needed. We have trouble enough identifying current problems around us or perhaps to even acknowledge them. But prophets speak also of proactive justice – justice that seeks to create a new reality that identifies something that has not yet happened but will and addresses the issue before it is a real problem.
The prophetic voice of Moses dared to dream and mandate a proactive vision by God that, to this day, has yet to be fully realized (see Jubilee). We stand on a fundamental shift of humanity as we have known it. There have always been the powerful, the powerless, and those in between. But the precipice before us is a reality where the chasms between humanity deepen and widen despite our greater connectivity.
At this junction, I believe there are three areas of discussion: care and empowerment of disenfranchised masses (in reality already in play), how much human is human, and robotic rights and evangelization. Let us walk and create a world that is more and more restorative.
the death of the moral majority
Its death is timely and just, for its birth came from the unholy union of power and false righteousness. It was willing to say no to abortion, say yes to death penalties, not talk about contraceptives, and claim itself to be pro-life. It was willing to say no to abortion for political advantage, and crafted an eloquent narrative. It was willing to put comfort and safety above loving the neighbor. It was willing to take up arms rather than to lay them down before the feet of the Great Protector. It was full of fear masked and clothed in righteousness.
But how I am torn by its murder, because it has been replaced by the silent majority. However, at least this one is more honest about its desire for power, to trample upon the sojourner and leave the widow to the dogs. I pray that Jesus’ name would not be taken in vain, wielded as a sword. I pray that Jesus’ name would no longer be used to grasp for power, but rather to unify in love. Come, Lord, come.
(Source: NPR)
coming to the table
Who is welcome at the Lord’s table to partake?
The child and the elder. The sinner and the saint. The thief and the philanthropist. The rich and the poor. The Trump supporter and the Hilary supporter. The evolutionist and the 7-day creationist. The pro-lifer and the pro-choice activist. The The underprivileged and the racist. The murderer and the healer. The rapist and the victim.
Jesus’ body was broken on the cross, so that we all might have life and life to the fullest.
His body was broken for us, to take and eat in remembrance. Remembrance of His total sacrifice, remembrance of our mutual brokenness.
Who is welcome at the Lord’s table to partake?
The repentant and recreated.